
Research Projects 

"Elasticity of Related-party Trade" [Slide] [15min-slide]

Abstract. I explore how the import demand of multinationals (MNEs) responds to a short-term tariff shock given the heterogeneity in shares of related-party imports. In particular, I focus on estimating the trade elasticities of MNEs during the 2017-18 Trump tariff period. Building on Amiti et al. (2019) and Fajgelbaum et al. (2020), I estimated the elasticities of related-party imports to be between -1.578 and -1.955 and more elastic than their arms-length counterparts. The preliminary finding of MNE importers/industry being more responsive to tariff changes than non-MNE counterparts under complete tariff pass-through may reflect their profit shifting process in a very short run.

"JMC's problem: Academic Inclination and Placement Game"

Abstract. I study the black box of candidate–candidate peer effect. The "winner-takes-all" nature in placements of Job Market Candidates (JMCs) highlight the essence of strategic interactions. Within a same program, a JMC encounters the dilemma of "going on the market" or "staying" when s/he self-conjectures to collide with the “program star” in the same subfield. Featuring game theoretic approach with 1) department placement policy and 2) signals from advisors, I explore the decisions in playing the job market game and seek insights into frictions in the general labor market.

Research Experience 

University of Wisconsin–Madison: